Morinville Mavericks offer alternative hockey program
The Morinville Mavericks Hockey program, affiliated with Fun Team Alberta, is an organization that offers an opportunity to play sports complementary to other organized hockey leagues.
The Morinville Mavericks Hockey program, affiliated with Fun Team Alberta, is an organization that offers an opportunity to play sports complementary to other organized hockey leagues.
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – It’s an early Saturday morning at the Ray McDonald Sports Centre and the bleachers are full of parents and grandparents watching children play hockey. But what sets the players on the ice apart from many other teams that will occupy the rink that day is the range of ages and genders playing together on the ice.
By MorinvilleNews.com Staff
Morinville – At its last regular meeting before the fall municipal election, Morinville Town Council unanimously approved community grant applications put forth by two local sport groups. Morinville Fun Team Hockey and Morinville Senior Boys Basketball Association both submitted grant requests in the amount of $2,500 and both groups were green lighted by council to receive the funds … […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – With the ice set to go back in the Ray McDonald Sports Centre next week, local hockey players of all ages and levels are checking their equipment and lacing up their skates in preparation for another season of minor hockey … […]
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