Editorial: When reporters tell lies, journalism dies
Every day it seems the American president is firing shots at “the media” and accusing anyone who disagrees with him […]
Every day it seems the American president is firing shots at “the media” and accusing anyone who disagrees with him […]
Canadian governments have long subsidized media. They still do.
As the authors of “The Shattered Mirror,” the latest jeremiad on the state of newspapers in Canada, put it: “Those who fear that the state will take up residence in the newsrooms of the nation, should recognize it has been well-ensconced there for a long time.” […]
In the early 1990s I worked at the Gazette in Montreal. In those days on a Saturday you’d pick up your Gazette, shake five sections of classified advertising and home and car ads onto the floor, and go straight to the City pages, which featured a loving summary of local restaurants’ health-code violations. […]
The headline of this article is a statement this publication agrees with – far from it in fact. We think the prime minister’s hair is OK as it is. But it is one that we have published nonetheless because freedom of the press gives us the right to make provocative, controversial and even ill-informed statements – published opinions that can freely criticize our municipal, provincial and federal leaders for the actions or inactions they take without fear of execution, jail time or even reprisal. […]
I spent 50 years in the newspaper business as a reporter, editor, and publisher at weeklies and dailies in all four western provinces.
Throughout my career, I witnessed up close the disconnect between aboriginal people and the non-native society. […]
By Robert Jump
“The world’s moved on since then.”
I liked the phrase and what it implied the first time I read it. I believe the words were uttered by the main character Roland Deschain, a gunslinger, in one of Stephen King’s novels in the Dark Tower series. Deschain, equipped with a Colt Peacemaker, is transported somehow to a King envisioned Twilight Zone and utters the phrase in that context.
But the world, and those who populate it, really sort of work that way. The world revolves and unless there’s an earthquake or asteroid strike large enough to disrupt that rotation it just continues on as it always has. People don’t. People get stuck.
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