Morinville Centennial Community Gardens holding compost fundraiser
Above: Morinville Centennial Community Gardens will hold their annual compost sale May 14 at Champlain Park by Stephen Dafoe Area […]
Above: Morinville Centennial Community Gardens will hold their annual compost sale May 14 at Champlain Park by Stephen Dafoe Area […]
Better weather has Morinville gardeners readying their garden tools, and getting ready to plant. The Morinville Centennial Community Gardens is here to help them. […]
The Morinville Centennial Community Gardens held its annual general meeting this week and have elected a new board. Stacey Buga is the new president, Doug Neuman is vice president, and Michelle Rheubottom will serve as secretary-treasurer. The registrar for the society is Claudia Holland. […]
Canada’s 150th birthday was recognized Wednesday night at the Morinville Curling Club and Aspen House as boys and girls joined forces with the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens Society to build 150 birdhouses to be placed around town on parks, paths, and in yards. […]
We recently received notice that we made the top 9 finalists for the Nature’s Path $15,000 Garden for Good contest. This means that we made it to the final round and we would like to give a big thank you to everyone that voted for us. […]
by Lucie Roy
The Morinville Centennial Community Garden Society pickling class was held Sept. 3, the last in a series of cooking and food preparation classes sponsored by Sobeys Morinville. The final session was co-sponsored by Mother’s Market Garden, a regular presence at the Morinville and Legal Farmers’ Markets. They provided two instructors for the evening: Bernice Brisson and Heather Mossman. … […]
Community groups combined forces Saturday for a day-long country-themed event. The Morinville Farmers’ Market Country Fair was preceded by the Morinville Lions Club pancake breakfast and followed by the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens’ sold-out Farm-2-Table Dinner… […]
by Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – The Morinville Community Gardens, Morinville Farmers’ Market, and Sobeys Morinville are doing a little cross pollinating this summer to help people learn about preparing and preserving foods the way people did years ago… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – Council had some tough decisions to make Apr. 9 with respect to handing out available Community Grant dollars. Community Services brought forward approximately $13,535 in grant requests from seven community groups, an amount that surpassed the $5,500 allotted each quarter by more than $7,000… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – An unused park in Morinville’s southwest will soon be converted to another phase of the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens, providing local gardeners with almost 30,000 square feet of vegetable garden opportunities and recreational park space for all residents… […]
By MorinvilleNews.com Staff
Morinville – It’s been a productive year for the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens and to mark that success, the local gardening group will be teaming up with the Morinville United Church to hold a community supper Oct. 28… […]
By MorinvilleNews.com Staff
Morinville – The Morinville Centennial community Gardens officially opened Sunday afternoon with a strawberry tea. Mayor Lloyd Bertschi, Councillor David Pattison and Chief Administrative Officer Edie Doepker joined 2011 Municipal Sustainability Award winner and community gardens founder Valerie Loseth and other organizers in unveiling the new sign that will mark the community garden… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – A pair of busy beavers made light work of getting their garden at the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens ready Tuesday night. 1st Morinville Beavers XXXX Steele and Kyle Campbell, together with leader Melodie Steele, planted a variety of plants, including potatoes, tomatoes, squash and other veggie varieties in one of the new garden plots… […]
Dear editor:
This year is Morinville’s 100th anniversary and we invite you to join in the festivities by participating in the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens. This is a return to our roots with a modern twist. Our objective is to promote community spirit, education and provide a place to grow healthy food inexpensively… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – This past weekend’s heavy snowfall and oncoming cold snap may have many residents looking forward to spring, but for a group of avid local gardeners the onset of warmer weather a few months down the road may mark the start of a community garden in Morinville… […]
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