Alberta RCMP prioritizes pedestrian safety this month
Alberta’s Traffic Safety calendar prioritizes a specific aspect of traffic safety each month, allowing RCMP and their partners to offer education. […]
Alberta’s Traffic Safety calendar prioritizes a specific aspect of traffic safety each month, allowing RCMP and their partners to offer education. […]
Even though the seasons are changing and the weather is becoming colder, there is still a lot of foot-traffic on our provincial roadways. This October, Alberta RCMP plans to focus on pedestrian safety, ensuring both motorists and pedestrians are informed of how to share the road responsibly. […]
Walking is part of a healthy lifestyle and is many Albertans’ primary form of transportation, particularly children and youth. In 2006, almost 40 per cent of the drivers in collisions involving a pedestrian failed to yield the right of way to the pedestrian. […]
Safety on Alberta roads is always our top priority. We all have a stake in our efforts to reduce the number of deaths and injuries on our roads. Government, law enforcement and the many traffic safety partners are working together to find solutions. Drivers also need to realize the importance of the role they play too. […]
Morinville Public School students learned about pedestrian safety Oct. 14 from two guest speakers the school brought in. Bruce Adams, Regional Traffic Safety Consultant Capital Region, and Elecia Grange, Regional Coordinator AMA School Safety Patrol covered considerable ground on the ins and outs of pedestrian and bike safety, including the importance of walking a bike across the road. […]
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