Local News

Traffic Advisory Committee report sparks debate on Cardiff Road

The Traffic Advisory Committee has submitted a report with information on Cardiff Road following a request for information from Council on the current safety picture of the road. The report reveals that there has been three relatively serious but non-fatal accidents along the road in the last three years, all with westbound traffic, and all were rear-end collisions. […]

Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Cardiff Road speed dangerous

I am at a loss with regard the imminent risks that many drivers pose on Cardiff Road due to their refusal to slow down. I reside right on this rural busy road, and while the speed limit solar signs are obvious, they are largely ignored. Rush hour times are that of the noise and speeds of a highway with commercial vehicles and commuters clearly off the speed limit, endangering every resident and their families, with blatant disregard. […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Morinville photo radar program concerns

I am a supporter of any enforcement initiatives that make our communities safer. I feel the public has been kept in the dark by our provincially elected officials relating to why we only see photo radar in municipalities versus rural Alberta. Alberta municipalities saw reductions in provincial funding in the late nineties. The province developed the Automated Traffic Enforcement Guidelines to allow municipalities to generate additional revenue within the boundaries of the municipalities… […]