closed session
Local News

2017-2019 Morinville Strategic Plan passes

Following relatively few comments, Council unanimous passed their 2017-2019 strategic plan. The document, which is only two pages long for the public version (eight for the more detailed internal document), offers a broad direction for the goals and projects the Town has up until 2019. […]

closed session
Local News

Strategic Plan changes incoming following Council feedback

Council pondered a significant rework of their annual strategic plan document following a broad and nuanced discussion during their regular Committee of the Whole meeting Nov. 15. The document is produced by Administration each year with input from Council. It consists of pillars, areas the municipality wants to focus on, each with goals, sub-goals, and measurements/actions that the Town and Council should take to improve these areas of focus. It is the primary planning document from Council that lays out their focus for the coming year. […]

Local News

Morinville Council Briefs

Ed Toupin, Manager of North Stations at AltaLink, gave a brief presentation to Council at their May 12 regular meeting. AltaLink is Alberta’s largest transmission company and is responsible for servicing electrical transmission lines that end up delivering power to 85% of Albertans, including those who live in Morinville. […]