Province says preventing wildfires is a shared responsibility
Despite snow and ice still being in varying quantities throughout the province, Alberta wildfire officials are currently preparing for this year’s fire season.
Despite snow and ice still being in varying quantities throughout the province, Alberta wildfire officials are currently preparing for this year’s fire season.
I’ve spent the last year thinking about how say thank you? The words say what I mean, yet they don’t seem enough. How do you express your gratitude to a community who opened their doors and hearts, gave you a sense of hope, and tried to help you find some normality during a time of chaos? Can a simple Thank You portray the everlasting impact of genuine kindness and love that a community showered on my family? […]
The province announced Wednesday afternoon a voluntary, phased re-entry for the safe return of Fort McMurray residents that will begin June 1 provided future wildfire conditions do not delay restoration efforts.
They are expecting reentry to be complete by June 15, coinciding with the full restoration of the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre. […]
Wildfire season in Alberta starts in two weeks and along with it annual restrictions on burning activities. With the exception of campfires, permits will be required for all planned fires in Alberta’s Forest Protection Area starting Mar. 1. […]
The wildland fire that is burning north of Township Road 560 along the Sturgeon River, between Range Roads 224 and Range 225, south east of Casa Vista is currently under control. Sturgeon County Emergency Services crews, along with Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) crews are continuing to work at extinguishing the fire…. […]
By MorinvilleNews.com Staff
Sturgeon County – County fire fighters are keeping an upper hand on fires currently burning north of Township Road 560 along the Sturgeon River, between Range Roads 224 and Range 225, south east of Casa Vista… […]
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