Our Morinville: The Week in Photos

Here are some photos our and your cameras captured this past week.

Many stars can be seen in  the night sky in this 30-second long exposure shot, taken on Saturday, Aug. 12. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Joe Jacob sent us this photo, taken on Sunday evening.



The Namao Flower & Bench Show was held Saturday at the Namao Community Hall. More than 60 entries awarded 1st and 2nd place were on display. These covered categories such as fresh flowers, preserves, baking, crafts, junior classes and most unique 2023 class.

The Ross McLay Memorial Award trophy for the Best of Show Flower Category was presented to Bertha Lardner. She was also the winner in 2017.

The first place in needlework for her cross stitch was Theresa Stratton.

Carol Brewer received 1st place for her cake and 2nd in the Brownies she submitted.

Stacy Bergheim received Best in Show for her strawberry rhubarb preserve and first place with the cinnamon buns. Bergheim said she came across her mothers recipe a few days ago for cinnamon buns and decided to enter.

For the Most Unusual Theme Entries, those in attendance for the tea and snacks voted for their favourite anonymous entry- the Dinner Plate dahlia was the favourite, and the winner was Eleanor Stefner.

Later in the afternoon, attendees were invited for a guided tour of the Namao Museum.

The Ross McLay Memorial Award trophy was presented to Bertha Lardner for the floral arrangement she is holding; holding the trophy is Bob Yaremko. – Lucie Roy Photo

Theresa Stratton received 1st place for her cross stitch- shown in background. – Lucie Roy Photo

Carol Brewer received 1st place for her cake and 2nd in Brownies.    – Lucie Roy Photo


Eleanor Stefner won for Most Unusual Theme Entries.

Stacy Bergheim received Best in Show for her strawberry rhubarb preserve and first place with the cinnamon buns. Bergheim said she came across her mother’s recipe a few days ago for cinnamon buns and decided to enter. – Lucie Roy Photo




A house sparrow grabs a drink from an old cast iron frying pan. – Stephen Dafoe Photos

A red-breasted nuthatch lands on an elm tree – Stephen Dafoe Photo

A magpie grabs a snack. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

A common grackle sits in a tree. – Stephen Dafoe Photo



Morinville Summer Camp participant Palmer is assisted in putting on the bunker gear by Morinville Firefighter Bryant Sandercock. Palmer got to compete against Morinville student firefighter Abbey Winsor in a race to rescue a toy bunny. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Morinville Firefighter Bryant Sandercock helps Summer Camp participant Palmer on with the bunker gear. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Palmer emerges victorious at the end of the competition, having rescued the bunny from the top of the gym equipment. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Part of the Aug. 15 Summer Camp wrap-up was giving participants an opportunity to display their many talents. – Stephen Dafoe Photos