Protecting Your Identity on Facebook: Beware of Cloning Scams and How to Prevent Them

by Morinville Online Staff

In the age of social media, our online identities have become as valuable as our physical ones. Facebook, one of the world’s largest social networks, connects us with friends and family, provides a platform for sharing our lives, and even serves as a means for professional networking. However, with the rise of this digital prominence comes a new breed of online threats, one of the most insidious being Facebook cloning scams.

Understanding Facebook Cloning Scams

Facebook cloning is a deceptive practice wherein scammers create a duplicate or ‘clone’ of your Facebook profile, complete with your name and profile picture. They then use this fake profile to impersonate you and potentially engage in various malicious activities, such as scamming your friends and contacts. The consequences of falling victim to such a scam can be dire, ranging from financial loss to damage to your reputation.

Common Tactics Employed by Cloning Scammers

  1. Friend Requests: Cloning scammers often send friend requests to your existing friends and contacts on Facebook. Because the profile looks like yours, people are more likely to accept the request, believing that you have created a new account for some reason.
  2. Impersonation: Once the scammer gains access to your friends’ list, they can impersonate you. They might send messages asking for money or personal information, exploiting the trust your friends have in you.
  3. Spreading Malware: Some cloning scams are used to spread malware or phishing links. Unsuspecting friends may click on links or download files from the fake profile, putting their own security at risk.

Preventing Facebook Cloning Scams

The good news is that there are several steps you can take to protect yourself and your Facebook friends from falling victim to cloning scams.

  1. Review Your Privacy Settings: Regularly check and adjust your privacy settings on Facebook. Limit the information that is visible to the public, and ensure that only friends can see your friend list. Better yet, set your friend list so only you can see it.
  2. Report Cloned Accounts: If you suspect that someone has cloned your account, report it to Facebook immediately. They have a dedicated team to handle such issues.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Turn on 2FA for your Facebook account. Adding an extra layer of security, making it more difficult for scammers to gain access.
  4. Educate Your Friends: Inform your friends about the existence of cloning scams and ask them to verify your identity if they receive any unusual messages or friend requests from your account.
  5. Be Cautious with Personal Information: Don’t share sensitive personal information, such as your phone number or address, in public posts. Scammers can use this information to bolster their credibility.
  6. Don’t Rely on Copy-Pasting Notices: Many users copy and paste notices declaring that their account cannot be cloned. However, this action doesn’t actually protect your account. Rely on the security measures mentioned above instead.
  7. Regularly Review Your Friends List: Periodically review your friends list and remove any accounts you no longer recognize or trust.
  8. Use Strong Passwords: Ensure your Facebook password is strong, unique, and not easily guessable.


Facebook cloning scams are a real and growing threat in the digital age. These scams can have serious consequences for your online security and personal reputation. By taking proactive steps to secure your Facebook account and educating your friends and family about the dangers of cloning scams, you can help protect yourself and your friends from falling victim to these malicious schemes. Remember, prevention is key, and a little vigilance can go a long way in ensuring a safer online experience.