Above: Fusion Thrift Shoppe staff Thea Green (left) and Manager Jocelyn Hansen show off a sunflower painting donated by a local artist. Fusion will hold its grand opening of their expansion on Saturday, Sept. 23, at which time the painting will go up for a silent auction running for a few weeks. Proceeds from the painting auction will go to support Fusion’s work in the community. – Stephen Dafoe Photo
by Stephen Dafoe
The expansion of Fusion Thrift Shoppe will celebrate its grand opening on Saturday, Sept. 23, officially offering Morinville and area residents good value in two locations two doors apart.
The thrift store, located in the former Body Shop location on 100 Avenue, recently expanded into the old Free Press office two doors over, and have since then also taken over the old CX Shooters location in that same building.
Manager Jocelyn Hansen said she and the staff are excited to have greater ability to get more products out on display.
“That really is the bottom line,” Hansen said. “We have enough coming in to fill two buildings. We know that clothing is really a huge need in our town and in our district, so we want to be able to have houseware and clothing that gives more options, more sizes-everything like that.”
A silent auction will accompany the Sept. 23 grand opening. Fusion was recently given a sunflower painting by local artist Fred that will go up on silent auction at the store for a few weeks.
“He’s contributed it to the Thrift Shoppe. He’s a supporter of The Thrift Shoppe. But we’d also like to support him in his beautiful artwork that he has done,” Hensen said. “There will be an in-house silent auction. You can get a bidding number, and we’ll run that for probably four weeks.”
Hansen went on to say the shop is thankful for the ongoing generous donations and support from local and area residents.
“We want to continue serving the community as best we can,” she said.