Legal holds Meet the Community event

The Town of Legal hosted its Meet Your Community BIG Block Party on Sunday, Sept. 17 at Citadel Park.

Events included House of Wheels Skate Jam, bouncy inflatable, face painting, organizational trade show, free BBQ and more.

The winner of the air fryer draw from the Bon Accord/Gibbons Food Bank was Janice Bolen.

Front, Councillor Andy Beaton, Mayor Trina Jones, Back row Councillors Fred Malott, Pat Hills and Deputy Mayor Carol Tremblay.

Air fryer winner Janice Bolen. Presented by Carol Coutts of the Bon Accord/Gibbons Food Bank who made their draw at the event.

Face painting

Bon Accord/Gibbons Food Bank with Bonnie Nimmo and Carol Coutts.

Legal School Principal Lisa Kleparchuk.

Legal Public School  Principal Kessia Brenneis and Andrea Ameobi Vice principal.

Homeland Housing Audrey Wiberg and Cate Barnes with brochures for Chateau Sturgeon Lodge

Members of the Legal Fire Department, Captain Craig Morrissey and Fire fighter Brendon Gogo.

Sturgeon Victim Services

Club 60 Roses June Charrois and Iris Fraser

Lions Club of Legal Barb Malott.