submitted by Redwater RCMP
On Jan. 22, 2024, Redwater RCMP received a report of a break and enter to the Lily Lake Resort on Lily Lake Road, in Sturgeon County. The complaint advised that someone had gained entry into the resort and stole a 500 lbs taxidermy polar bear.
The resort had a similar occurrence back in Aug. 2023, where two taxidermy raccoons were stolen. The estimated cost of these taxidermy animals is $35,000. Redwater RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in aiding with the investigation.

If you have any information on this incident, you are asked to call the Redwater RCMP at 780-942-3607. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can contact Crime Stoppers by phone at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), by Internet at www.tipsubmit.com or by SMS (check your local Crime Stoppers www.crimestoppers.ab.ca for instructions). To report crime online, or for access to RCMP news and information, download the Alberta RCMP app through Apple or Google Play.