Province adds $5 million to school nutrition funding for 2023-2024 school year

by Staff

A funding boost has been announced for Alberta’s school nutrition programs. The Government of Alberta says the one-time $5-million grant aims to expand the reach of existing initiatives, ensuring more students have access to nutritious meals and snacks throughout the school year.

Minister of Education Demetrios Nicolaides emphasized the importance of nutrition in student success, stating, “Proper nutrition is essential for student success. No one is operating at their best on an empty stomach. To acknowledge the rising costs of food and services, we’re thrilled to be able to provide additional funding to support student nutrition through the end of this school year.”

The grant is a 25 per cent increase to the previously committed $20 million to school authorities for the school nutrition program. The province says the grant will automatically flow to public, separate, francophone and applicable public charter schools through regular funding channels.


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