Former County Councillor Empowers Rural Property Owners With Wireless Security Systems

Above: Wayne Bokenfohr of MMCI Safety Systems Inc. shows a couple of the components in the wireless security systems his company says are great for rural property owners in particular. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

by Stephen Dafoe

Some of the Ajax security system components.

Sturgeon County resident and former County Councillor Wayne Bokenfohr know the importance of protecting rural property owners against crime, which has increased recently.

Having previously been in the security business, he is helping rural and urban residents and companies protect themselves and their properties with the Ajax product line of home security systems.

“The police can’t get there fast enough, so we’re going to have to start policing ourselves,” Bokenfohr said. “The unique part about the product is it is wireless and has its own protocol. The components can transmit up to one mile, for residential or business customers, which is quite significant in the wireless industry. That enables you to monitor outside buildings.”

Bokenfohr sees wireless technology as of particular value to residential property owners in urban or rural settings. “I see rural acreages as the ones who can take advantage of the distance that can be covered without having to trench.”

Another unique feature of the systems Bokenfohr makes available to his clients is an app that runs and monitors the system and has a panic button that can operate anywhere via GPS.

“The [central system] hub gives you access to the app. You can have 200 users from that hub, and you can also put 200 different devices on that hub,” Bokenfohr explained. “Once you have the app, you have the controls to turn the system on and off. There is also a built-in panic button. No matter where you happen to be, you can push that panic button and even in a separate town or city,  it will actually show you where you are within roughly a metre of accuracy.

Bokenfohr sees the panic button feature as beneficial in rural settings if someone is lost in a  snowstorm or farmers in the field.

The app allows the systems to be self-monitored by the owner, neighbours, and friends, but the company also offers monitoring.

Essential to the system is the hub unit, which Bokenfohr says is about $350. From there, consumers would need a couple of door contacts, usually at least one indoor motion sensor with a built-in camera that takes rapid snapshots on movement. Additional system units include flood sensors, indoor air quality/carbon monoxide sensors, outdoor motion cameras, and other items.

“The system is robust because it is leaning towards home automation,” Bokenfohr explained, noting scenarios can be created with the product, including self-arming if the system is not activated by a typical time. “It will auto-arm and give you the notification.”

The system also has temperature sensors, allowing system owners to set thresholds and receive alerts if temperatures drop below or rise above set limits. The system’s flood sensor can turn off the owner’s waterline when tripped.

Further details on the product line can be found at or


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