Morinville Lions celebrate 75 years, award Citizen of the Year

photos by Lucie Roy

The Lions Club of Morinville celebrated their 75th anniversary on Saturday at the Rendez Vous Centre.

Speaking at the event was District C-1 Dist Governor Dave Leshchyshyn. Also in attendance were 1st Vice Dist Governor Lyle Gustafson and Immediate Past Dist. Governor Suzanne Leshchyshyn and members of the St Albert Host Lions Club who were sponsored by the Morinville Club in 1951.

The Citizen of the Year, a tradition started by the Lions Club in 1968, is dedicated to those who provide services to the community. The Lions recognize volunteers every year for their service. This year’s Citizen of the Year was Lions Club member Beverly Lussier.  Presentations to the new Citizen of the Year were made by Morinville-St Albert MLA Dale Nally, Morinville Mayor Simon Boersma and Lions Club President Tina Gougeon.

A presentation of the Dr. Patti Hill Fellowship by St Albert Host Lions Club President Les Hall was made to the Morinville Club. Accepting on behalf was President Tina Gougeon. The recipient of the Fellowship award is to be made by the Morinville Club.

The Westlock R.F. Staples Dream Merchant Theatre group of Grade 9-12 students provided the evening’s entertainment, performing The Sturgie Stone, a murder mystery.

Citizen of the Year. was presented to Beverly Lussier. Morinville-St Albert MLA Dale Nally, Morinville Lions Club President Tina Gougeon, Citizen of the Year Beverly Lussier and Mayor Simon Boersma. – Lucie Roy Photo

St Albert Host Lions Club President Les Hall presented the Morinville Club with an unnamed Dr. Patti Hill Fellowship Award. Accepting on behalf is President Tina Gougeon. – Lucie Roy Photo

Students from Westlock R.F. Staples School Dream Merchants Theatre, along with director Lalenya Gasse, posed with Lions Club member Beverly Lussier. – Lucie Roy Photo

Morinville Lions President Tina Gougeon, Lions member Francis Fryters- the longest serving member in the Morinville Club with District C-1 District Governor Dave Leshchyshyn and Immediate Past- District Governor Suzanne Leshchyshyn. – Lucie Roy Photo

A member of the R.F. Staples Dream Merchant Theatre group in her role as Sophia Delaney, the aspiring actress.  She was defending the accusations she might of been the villainy in the Murder Mystery production of The Sturgie Stone.  – Lucie Roy Photo

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