Province aids Thorhild County for spring fires

Smoke clouds from the May 12 Opal fire as viewed from Sturgeon county near Legal May 12.

By Staff

Edmonton – Thorhild County received some good news from the province July 7. Alberta will be sending $10 million Thorhild’s way under the province’s Municipal Wildfire Assistance Program (MWAP). The money is being granted to help Thorhild County recover from the costs of fighting the wildfire that hit the county last May.

The wildfire, which began near the hamlet of Opal, affected roughly 3,000 hectares of land and forced Thorhild County to declare a local state of emergency. It is believed the wildfire was caused by an ATV. More than 200 firefighters, some of them from Sturgeon County, fought the fire for several days. In addition to the burned land, one rural home and several outlying buildings were destroyed in the fire’s path.

Alberta’s Minister of Municipal Affairs Hector Goudreau said in a press release Wednesday that the effects of severe wildfires like the one Thorhild County experienced can be devastating on a community and that MWAP monies will be used by the municipality to help recove

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