By staff
Edmonton – Law enforcement was out in full force over the August long weekend, pulling over vehicles on provincial highways for a number of infractions. RCMP and Alberta Sheriffs issued approximately 764 fewer violations than they did during the same weekend in 2010. The holiday weekend netted 3,290 charges this year, compared with 4,054 charges in 2010.
Between July 29 and Aug. 1 traffic enforcement throughout Alberta issue 2,513 speeding tickets, compared with 3,275 during the August long weekend in 2010.
Impaired charges were also down significantly this year over last. A total of 43 impaired, 54 24-hour suspensions, and 101 other alcohol and drug charges were laid this year, compared to 235 impaired charges during the same weekend in 2010.

Additional august long weekend charges this year included 35 hazardous driving violations, 84 failing to stop at a stop sign infractions, 139 seatbelt or child restraint infractions, and 321 violations ranging from having no insurance to driving while suspended.
RCMP, Sheriffs and their road safety partners are focusing on impaired drivers during the month of August. Statistics show August has a consistently high number of alcohol-related traffic deaths. Drivers in fatal collisions are four times more likely to be impaired or have consumed alcohol than drivers in non-fatal collisions. In 2010, 4.7 per cent of drivers in injury collisions, and 21.8 per cent of drivers involved in fatal collisions had been drinking or were impaired.