Morinville Food Bank Society receives local support

Ken and Wendy Skjersven of the Morinville Food Bank Society receive a cheque from Servus Credit Union Branch Manager Kym Moore.


Morinville – The Morinville Food Bank Society has received some extra support over the past week. Servus Credit Union and Sobeys presented the society with cheques Thursday morning in the amounts of $500 and $2,220, respectively. Sobeys donation was from their Christmas in July event where customers were asked to contribute $5 to the food bank when they paid for their groceries.

The two cheques follow a few days after the Morinville Food Bank Society was presented with more than 3,300 pounds of food collected Oct. 15 by local members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints.

Support for the community will continue Oct. 28 and 29 with a Charity Garage Sale at Pleasant Homes, west of Morinville. The garage sale runs 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.

Sobeys owner Stuart Trenchard presents a cheque to Ken Skjersven, monies raised through customer donations this past July.

Sobeys owner Stuart Trenchard presents a cheque to Ken Skjersven, monies raised through customer donations this past July.