Letter: Tiny Tots vandalism upsetting

Dear Editor,

I’ve lived in Morinville my entire life and have always been very proud of the sincere and genuine citizens that make up this amazing town that we live in. As a community, we honour values and respect those around us, celebrating both our differences and similarities while encouraging leadership and innovative stewardship. However, this past week, my pride was shaken: on Wednesday, January 4th, in broad daylight, Morinville Tiny Tots Preschool was vandalized – the word “Corruption” was spraypainted across the back of the school. What prompted this inherent display of disrespect is unknown – I can only express my deepest disappointment in the person or persons that felt compelled to deface a PRESCHOOL!
Morinville Tiny Tots Preschool has been a part of this town since 1974 and we look forward to growing with the community.

In light of recent educational debate, I would like to reiterate that Tiny Tots preschool is not affiliated with any school district – we are completely parent-funded. Our mandate is to provide a positive, nurturing environment to give our young students the best possible tools for success as they move throughout their education. Tiny Tots is a fun, creative, and exciting learning environment and we love being a part of this caring community!

Speaking to the vandals: Shame on you! You vandalized a school for 3 and 4 year olds… what did you possibly think that would accomplish? There is a time and a place to make your voice heard and I can tell you for certain… it doesn’t involve a can of spray paint! Tiny Tots Preschool teaches its young students respect and tolerance; perhaps you could use a refresher course in this yourself!

Kelli Allen