Greater St. Albert Catholic School District received an unofficial list of candidates who filed papers this morning to run in each of its three wards. This year there will be a competition in two of the three wards, with an acclamation expected in Ward 2 – Morinville. The unofficial list of candidates for the Legal, Morinville, and St. Albert wards are as follows:
Ward 1 (4 open positions in St. Albert – 6 potential candidates) – Election Expected
Dave Caron (I), Joan Crockett (I), Rosaleen McEvoy (I), Cathie Sarafinchan (N), Vince Schiller (N), and Serena Shaw (N),
Ward 2 (2 open positions in Morinville – 2 potential candidates) – Acclamation Expected
Brendan Kaup (N), and Noreen Radford (I),
Ward 3 (1 open position in Legal – 2 potential candidates) – Election Expected
Cathy Proulx (I), and Tom Turner (N)

Incumbents denoted by (I); NEW candidates denoted by (N)
Results will be official at Noon, September 24, 2013
“We are pleased to see such interest from the community in running as trustee. We will be welcoming some new members to the district following the Oct. 21 election as trustee Jacquie Hansen had declared her intent not to seek re-election and former trustee Lauri-Ann Turnbull stepped down from the board earlier this year. Both have made a tremendous contribution to our district and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors” comments Deb Schlag, Returning Officer for the district.