Our Morinville in photos

Our Morinville is an opportunity to view life through our community members’ lenses. Photos can be of this and surrounding communities, cool photos from places our readers have visited. The pages are wide open on possibility. Each month we will select one photo as the choice of the month. That reader will receive a $100 Shop in Morinville gift certificate. They pick the business — we lay down the cash. Send your high-resolution photos to stephen@morinvillenews.com

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Dog run
Calli Stromner sent this shot of her dog out for a run with her in Cardiff Park. She said it was a perfect autumn day for a run.

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Bales of sun
Greg Boutestein snapped this shot of hay bails against the setting sun last night just southeast of Villeneuve.

Setting sun
Rebecca Balanko said she was mesmerized by this stunning harvest sunset. “I pulled along the side of the road to capture this beauty,” she said. The photo was taken outside town limits on 642, near the dump turn off.

We regret the incorrect photo was printed in our Sept. 25 print edition

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Backroad beauty
Jenn Boisvert sent this shot taken on a back road outside Morinville.

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Nature in flight
Jenn also sent this great shot of a bee looking for pollen.

Lightning strikes
Jenn’s third submission is a lightning storm outside Morinville.

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fish pond, farming-web
Harvest time
Frank Koenig sent us these two shots of grain waiting for harvest around Morinville, and Ken Lutz unloading his combine near Morinville.