December is Impaired Driving Awareness Month

by Morinville News Staff

“Know the limit – Know your limit” is the message Morinville RCMP are unveiling this month as they remind residents impaired driving is a crime and will be treated as such. The Detachment, in conjunction with the Alberta Traffic Safety Action Plan, will be focusing attention on impaired driving this month.

Drivers with a Criminal Code charge (blood alcohol concentration greater than .08) have their licences immediately suspended until the charge is resolved, and their vehicle is seized for three days on a first charge. Second and subsequent charges result in immediate licence suspension until the criminal charge is resolved and a seven-day vehicle seizure.

Additionally, addictions assessment may be required.

If convicted, drivers licences are suspended for one year on a first offence, three years on a second offence, and five years on a third offence.

Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration of .05 to .08 receive three-day licence and vehicle suspension on a first offence. They receive a 15-day licence and a seven-day vehicle seizure on a second offence along with remedial course and a possible hearing with the Alberta Transportation Safety Board. Third and subsequent offences result in immediate 30-day licence suspensions, seven-day vehicle seizures, remedial course and a mandatory hearing with Alberta Transportation Safety Board.

Police caution parents who let their children who are in the Graduated Driver’s Licence program drive their vehicles.
The program’s zero tolerance results in an immediate 30-day licence suspension and seven-day vehicle seizure.
The hardship of losing the family vehicle because of an impaired child is not grounds for appeal on a vehicle seizure, police say.

Police say almost 90 people were killed and another 1,330 injured annually from 2009 to 2013 in collisions involving at least one driver who had consumed alcohol prior to the crash.

Over the past five years, approximately 8,600 people were convicted of impaired driving in Alberta each year.
In addition to appealing to the public to make wise choices, the Morinville RCMP encourage motorists to assist them in keeping impaired drivers off the road by pulling over and recording vehicle licence plate number of suspected impaired drivers and calling 911.