by Lucie Roy
On Friday night at the Centralta Community Centre in Legal was the Launch of six of the historical books by Centralta Tourism Society, collective 90th-anniversary mural led by local artist Jacques Martel, and a movie night with the movie “Le Petit Prince” with English subtitles. The movie was in collaboration with Society Cinemagine of Alberta.
The Association Canadienne-Francaise de l’Alberta(ACFA) Regionale Centralta is celebrating its 90th anniversary and celebrating the French culture through the Alberta Culture Days.
Saturday saw guided tours of the murals by Centralta Tourism Society and a dinner theatre ‘Par Amitie: written by France-Levasseur-Ouimet.
“This project, the releasing of the books is the final part of the Legal and Morinville mural project,” said Centralta Tourism Society Coordinator Ernest Chauvet. “The first aspect was presenting by visual paintings the history of the region of Legal and Morinville, but the Committee felt that it was incomplete. To bring closure to the mural project we published these books to explain them and this way there is more of a long-term longevity to them and brings closure to it.
It is really a kind of a way to close a project that started in 1997 and finished with this.”
One of the books, Art in the Park, is focused on Morinville, the paintings there and history around both. Mural Town is about the murals of Legal, explaining them in more detail. The book Adventures of My Alberta has anecdotes from early pioneers of the region, showing the way of life at that time. The book Visual Heritage is a summary of all the paintings in Legal and Morinville in both languages.
The Society is now waiting to see what the towns and municipalities have in mind.
“We plan to have a planning session with the towns and municipalities later on in this fall or in the spring to see what combined projects we can do,” Chauvet said.
They are also planning a history of the convent and education, the story of Ecole Citadelle in Legal and Ecole Beausejour in Plamondon.