Morinville author releases her second book

by Lucie Roy

Morinville resident and author Kim Mills released her second book in the Canadian Military Romance Series, titled The Fight For Home in January of this year, and on Saturday she was at Higher Grounds for the book launch and signing.

“I write a military family blog and travel quite a bit for it to different Military Family Resource Centres (MFRC) and bases to people speaking to military families,” Mills said. “I was actually supposed to write an anthology from the blog and non-fiction about Canadian military families during the war in Afghanistan, and then I sat down to write that and I think I just was tired about writing about me. So I wrote a fiction book instead. So that is how the first one came about and I just ended up turning it into a series. [It’s] kind of my fun side project that I really enjoy.”

Mills said she does have a third book in the series and is gauging for a spring or summer release. The book is to be titled Hide from Home.

The author said she had not been considered doing a book signing; however, the people running Higher Grounds at the time wanted her to do one. That book launch for the original entry int the series was really busy. Mills said she had underestimated how many people really like paperback books.

“I anticipated most people just liked the e-books, but so many wanted physical copies,” Mills said.

Higher Grounds was once again busy with a steady flow of traffic for the book signing on Saturday.

Fight For Home is available for purchase at Higher Grounds and also on in digital format for $2.99.