by Lucie Roy
Sturgeon County held their Country Living Expo on Saturday at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre.
The numerous booths and displays included trapping with Chuck Hambling, Johnny’s Store, Economic Development, Agricultural Services, Protective Services, Land Stewardship Center, Cows and Fish: Alberta habitat Management Society, Caryll Carruthers of Mountain Meadows Food Processing with NoNutsGolden Peabutter and information from Alberta Invasive Species Council and a Kids Corner.
The agenda for the day included six speakers presenting on Common Tree Diseases and Pests, Maximizing Small Pasture Productivity, Backyard Honey, Well Maintenance, Chicken Chat and Growing Unusual Garden Vegetables.
The Growing Unusual Vegetables session covered Tokyo Bekana, Methi, Amaranth, Minutina, Artichoke, Milk Thistle, Collards, Fennel. Golden Incan berry, Celeriac, Salsify and Black Salsify, Italian Dandelion Chicory, Red Sorrel, Turnip Greens, Bok Choy and Algonquin Pumpkin.
Mountain Meadows Food Processing- NoNuts Golden Peabutter.
Session on Well Maintenance
Chuck Hambling with trapping info and pelts.
Sturgeon Rural Crime Watch with Zone Directors Colleen Prefontaine, Vivian Pezer and President Bonny Swart.