by Stephen Dafoe
Although Morinville DQ is a significant contributor to local events, this Thursday marks their biggest charitable events. Both Dairy Queen and Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation are inviting Morinville and area residents to make miracles happen on Miracle Treat Day this Thursday.
The annual event, taking place Aug. 8, will see Stollery Children’s Hospital benefit from the net proceeds of all Blizzard Treats that day.
“It’s our big fundraiser and really caps off our fundraising year for the Stollery,” said Marc Cardinal, Morinville DQ Grill and Chill franchise owner. “We’ve been really successful out in Morinvillein the past three [years], and we want to meet or exceed our goals from the last few years.”
Cardinal said last year the Morinville store raised just shy of $25,000 between Blizzard sales and customers rounding up their purchases at the till. Blizzard sales accounted for $12,000 of that total. The Morinville franchise contributes 100 per cent of Blizzard sales to the cause. If a Blizzard costs you $4, the Stollery will get the $4.

“We have a world-class facility. The Stollery is absolutely world-class. Every time you support us through Miracle Treat Day or through the years with donating; you’re helping support that world-class facility,” Cardinal said. “Some of the equipment that we have there that’s cutting edge technology. That’s really because of the support that it’s got from the private community. How do you not support something like that?”
Since the partnership began in 1984, DQ has become a top contributor to Children’s Miracle Network. More than $135 million has been raised to-date in support of sick and injured children across North America.
For the past two years, The Jessica Martel Memorial Foundation (JMMF) has been the recipient of Dairy Queen Morinville owners Marc and Michelle Cardinal’s generosity. The franchise owners and their staff hold a Blizzard Day in February with monies going to the local non-profit.
For more information about Miracle Treat Day, visit MiracleTreatDay.ca or follow along on social media with #MiracleTreatDay.