Get Them to the Table class focuses on apples

On Wednesday night the Get Them to the Table class at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre commercial kitchen was titled “All About Apples.”

Morinville Community Gardens President Paula Collins hosted the cooking class featuring over nine types of apples and information on each and a package of apple recipes.

Participants had an opportunity to taste the Gala apples, Honey Crisp, Granny Smith,Fuji, McIntosh,Ambrosia, Envy, Pink Lady and Red Delicious.

Fresh prepared treats included Apple Rings ( in the dehydrator), Apple Rings (in the oven), Apple Fruit Leather, Apple Blossoms,Crab Apple Jelly, and Easy Apple Sauce.

Once a choice of apples was selected according to preferred taste they prepared to make apple sauce, apple pie filling and apple blossoms.

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