Province adds New COVID-19 physician billing codes for virtual care

by Morinville News Staff

The UCP says new temporary physician billing codes are being added to the schedule of medical benefits so physicians receive compensation for providing virtual care.

“We’re helping physicians provide care to Albertans during this critical time while also keeping them as safe as possible,” Minister of Health Tyler Shandro said in a press release Monday. “Virtual care codes will facilitate patient care while making it possible to follow public health guidelines of maintaining social distance and self-isolation. Physicians should choose the best way to provide the care Albertans deserve without having to worry about fair compensation for their services.”

Alberta Medical Association President Dr. Christine P. Molnar said the new virtual care codes will make it possible for physicians to deliver care safely and effectively to patients during the pandemic.

“These codes apply not only for COVID-19 care but for all the physical and mental health needs of patients as they present every day,” Molnar said. “Delivering virtual care will maintain ongoing physician-patient relationships, which are essential for quality care. These codes represent an important step towards ensuring the viability of physicians’ practices, and supporting the thousands of Albertans they employ.”

Physicians will receive the same rate as if the medical services were face-to-face.

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