by Morinville News Staff
Agriculture for Life (Ag for Life), is launching its fourth annual #FarmBabies20 photo contest, an organization dedicated to educating Albertans about agriculture, food, farming and safety, is launching a province-wide contest to celebrate and welcome new life on the farm. The contest, now underway, runs until May 31.
Ag for Life says it is hoping to bring some joy into people’s lives during the COVID-19 pandemic by launching its #FarmBabies20 contest early.
“Our #FarmBabies20 contest is a fun way to welcome spring on the farm and celebrate the countless hours of work that farmers and farm families spend caring for their new arrivals,” Ag for Life CEO Luree Williamson. “Many people don’t understand the dedication and care that goes into raising livestock, so by sharing these photos and stories, we hope to help educate Albertans about life on the farm, and the vital role agriculture plays in our lives.”
Entries must be photographs taken in Alberta of farm animals born between Jan. 1 and May 31. The winner will receive a selection of goods valued at more than $250.

Ag for Life will announce the winner before June 28.
Participants are encouraged to share their images online using the hashtag #FarmBabies20, and Ag for Life will share entries on its website and social media channels.
For further information, visit www.agricultureforlife.ca/farmbabies20.