Electronic recycling event in Morinville will support SVS

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submitted by Roseridge Landfill Commission

Roseridge is currently planning to expand the facility to the south to create a safe, convenient waste and recycling experience for all its users. They launched an engagement campaign on Oct. 19 that runs until Nov. 22 at roserdige.ab.ca/engage, and they are looking for people to talk trash with them.

“We cant design a facility that will benefit the region for the next four decades without your input. Please get involved,” says Roseridge Manager Susan Berry. “We are hosting six in-person drive-through recycling round-up events in the community to encourage participation and fundraise for local charities.”

The first of the six is in Morinville on Nov. 6 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in partnership with Sturgeon Victim Services.

You can bring your electronics for recycling to support Sturgeon Victim Services. All electronics will be accepted, including small household appliances, printers, scanners, DVD players, power tools, and computers. Although a secured disposal, those dropping off computers should ensure hard drives are wiped.

Sturgeon Victim Services will be the recipient of the proceeds from the event, which is being done in conjunction with the Alberta Recycling Management Authority.

“We are excited that we are partnering with Roseridge Landfill,” said Sturgeon Victim Services Executive Director Elisabeth Melvin. “We encourage you to bring all of your old unwanted electronics. Your junk will become our treasure as it will turn into a fundraiser to support our clients.”

A second electronics recycling event will take place later in the month. Friends of the Redwater Public Library Society will be accepting electronics for recycling as a fundraiser to purchase green toys. That event is at the Town Office parking lot, 4924 47 Street, from noon until 2 p.m. on Nov. 15.

In addition to drive-through events, residents can participate in one of three live, facilitated workshops via Zoom. Workshops are Nov. 4 at 7 p.m., Nov. 9 at 2:30 p.m., and Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. All workshops require zoom software and can be accessed from https://roseridge.ab.ca/engage.

“We are gathering ideas until Nov. 22; then, we will put your thoughts on paper with concept drawings,” Barry said. “Detailed design will go to tender in 2021, and construction will begin in 2022.”

Residents are encouraged to visit https://roseridge.ab.ca/engage for more information on the project and to leave their feedback.