Speeding the educational focus of RCMP this spring

Alberta RCMP reminds motorists that speeding is still prohibited despite spring driving conditions and that unsafe speeds increase the risk of collision and serious injury for all road users.

“According to Alberta Transportation, more than half of all fatal collisions involving unsafe speeds occur in rural areas,” said Insp. Chris Romanchych, Alberta RCMP Traffic Services. “We want our communities to feel safe out on our province’s roadways. Speed shouldn’t be the reason a loved one doesn’t make it home.”

RCMP say there were approximately 70,580 speeding-related offences in Alberta RCMP jurisdiction. Of that, 5220 were in April alone.

RCMP offer the following when out on the roads this April:

  • The faster you go, the longer it takes you to stop. Speeding affects your ability to come to a quick stop in the event of an unexpected traffic hazard.
  • Always drive to conditions. Posted limits indicate the maximum, legal speed permitted in ideal conditions (Government of Alberta, 2022). Alberta’s road and weather conditions are unpredictable; ensure you adjust your speed accordingly.
  • Give yourself a few extra minutes. Allowing yourself extra time to get to your destination helps you to avoid feeling rushed in traffic.
  • Be aware of speed limits in playground and construction zones. These areas often have high pedestrian traffic – you must slow down.

For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.


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