Fees and charges bylaw stalls at second reading as councillor seeks numbers

by Colin Smith

Could community use of underutilized Town of Morinville facilities be increased if rates were adjusted?

That was the question posed by Councillor Scott Richardson during Town Council consideration of an updated fees and charges bylaw at its Tuesday meeting.

The bylaw was introduced and given first reading on April 12.

It received second reading on Tuesday, but council then voted to refer further consideration of the bylaw to its May 24 meeting, on a motion by Deputy Mayor Stephen Dafoe, to enable administration to come up with the information Richardson was seeking.

Many fees and charges will go up on passage of the bylaw, while changes to fees relating to recreation and culture will come into force on August 1.

The stated intent of the bylaw is to update fees and charges that either currently do not reflect costs of service, or are out of line with regional comparators while ensuring that charges are reasonable and align with the value received for the service.

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