Alberta RCMP remind you to buckle up

by Morinville Online Staff

Each month the Alberta RCMP uses the Alberta Traffic Safety Calendar to put an educational focus on an aspect of traffic and pedestrian safety. March’s focus is to remind both motorists and passengers to buckle up. Police say that using safety restraints while driving can be the difference between life and death in the event of a motor vehicle collision.

“Fastening your seatbelt should be the first thing you do when you get into a vehicle. Make it a habit,” said Alberta RCMP Traffic Inspector Chris Romanchych in a media release Thursday. “Why take the chance when it’s your life, and even someone else’s on the line?”

The Alberta RCMP ticketed 3,993 motorists for seatbelt-related offences last year. Alberta currently levies a $162 fine for not complying with occupant restraint laws. There is also an additional penalty of two demerit points for GDL drivers.

RCMP offers the following tips and reminders:

  • Motorists are responsible for ensuring both themselves and passengers under the age of 16 years old are using proper occupant restraints.
  • Ensure the lap belt is positioned low across your hips and the shoulder belt is always sitting across the centre of your chest. Do not allow the seatbelt to become twisted.
  • Seatbelts aren’t just for personal motor vehicles. Always use the restraints provided on off-road or recreational vehicles.
  • Going without a seatbelt costs you your safety as well as a possible $162 fine.

For more traffic safety information, you can follow the Alberta RCMP on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.