Letter: Waging Ahead fair wages rally set for Saturday

Bill 15

My name is Mary Morin, I am a community member and an area educational support worker.

Attached is information on an upcoming rally, and I invite you to join us.  This rally is being held to bring awareness of the need for better wages for not only education support workers but all workers across this province.

Like many Albertans Education workers’ incomes are not sustainable especially when everything costs more.  The Education Sector and workers across this province deserve better & together we can wage ahead and improve the lives of all Albertans.

A rally is not just to get together on a weekend and march up and down a street. This rally is intended to SHOW OUR POWER. To send a powerful message to our employer, to the government, and to all other Education Workers and all workers in Alberta that WE’VE HAD ENOUGH.

Here’s some information on the event.

Folks will muster, deliver speeches, etc at Red Willow Park, then walk up St. Albert Trail and cross using the pedestrian bridge at the corner of Bellerose Drive and St. Albert Trail (corner of the mall), then walk back, have a few more speeches and end the rally.

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