Town updates Land Use Bylaw

closed session

by Colin Smith

Changes to Morinville’s land use bylaw will go ahead after being approved by Town Council at its July 9 regular meeting.

At the meeting, both Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 3/2019 and Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 4/2019 were passed following second and third reading.

A public hearing on the bylaws was scheduled for the meeting but no representations were received.

Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 3/2019 is intended to give Morinville residents more say on new development of DC-1 and DC-2 zoned land under Council authority.

This could include a standard “public hearing style” process when council is making the decision, as well as communication with all landowners within 75 metres (246.1 feet) of the property.

When Council meets to decide on a development application it may be advertised as a non-statutory public hearing, providing an opportunity for public input.

Councillor Stephen Dafoe noted the bylaw amendment process began November 27. At that point the Administration was asked to look into having an enhanced public engagement process when Council is required to be the development authority in a direct control district.

“I think what you’ve got here offers that opportunity and the flexibility such that if there is something that warrants additional public engagement it can move forward and if it is something minor we can follow the typical process,” said Mayor Barry Turner.

Passage of Land Use Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 4/2019 will result in the elimination of unnecessary regulation of swimming pools and hot tubs, to harmonize with the Alberta Building Code and Alberta Safety Code Act.

On-site third-party signage will also be permitted in situations where the primary intention of the third party signage is business identification and customer direction. This is primarily intended for corridor commercial areas such as Shell/McDonalds.

In addition, digital or electronic means for transmission of information concerning land use will now be allowed where appropriate.

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