Council to write to Premier re Bill 20

closed session

by Colin Smith

Morinville Council is calling on the United Conservative Party government to do more consultation following its introduction of Bill 20, which contains measures affecting Alberta municipalities.

At its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 14, Mayor Simon Boersma moved that the Town of Morinville send a letter to the premier and minister of municipal affairs requesting the undertaking of extensive stakeholder engagement before the passage of Bill 20.

The letter would further call on the provincial government to collaboratively consult with residents and municipalities to ensure that changes best serve the interests of all Albertans.

Among the measures in Bill 20 are provisions banning vote tabulation machines in municipal elections and giving full exemption from property taxes for non-profit affordable housing.

Financial Services Manager Travis Nosko pointed out in a budget presentation earlier in the meeting that these could result in a financial hit for Morinville.

“I see a lot of overreach,” Boersma said. “I’m concerned about dollars that are moved on to our residents. We keep on paying the piper. What’s next if we don’t speak up as a community? What is the next bill going to give us? I’m truly concerned about our bearing the cost.”

Council members voted unanimously in favour of the motion.


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