Coming Up at Council

compiled by Staff

Morinville Town Council will meet at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28 for its second regular meeting and committee of the whole meeting.

RCMP 4th Quarter Report and Policin Committee Update

The Morinville RCMP will report on the Detachment’s 4th quarter (X-Y0, including local and historical crime statistics.  Later int he meeting, Council has been asked to provide direction on a policing committee.

Mobile Vendor Bylaw

A bylaw governing mobile vendors and food trucks returns to council after being initially rejected and sent back for changes. The administration is recommending the first and second reading of the revised bylaw, which offers a variety of alternative options for the council to consider.

Utility Bylaw Update

The administration will present updates to the out-of-date Utilities Bylaw. In the May 28 agenda package, Administration notes the bylaws have not seen substantial updates in a decade.

Considered in the update is a daytime watering restriction that would prohibit a customer from using municipally supplied water from a hose, pipe, sprinkler, or irrigation
system for the purpose of watering lawns, gardens, flower beds, shrubs, and trees, except between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. Exceptions are provided, including new sod, new landscaping, recreational sprinkles and drip watering.

In addition to first reading of utility bylaws, Administration is looking for Council direction on a rain barrel program to be included in the 2025 budget and other water conservation initiatives.

In response to provincial drought response, Administration is considering moving from a flat rate model to a purely volumetric rate to encourage residents to conserve water.

Stat Plan Update

Council will receive its triennial report, outline updates on strategic planning results and finances for the period.

Notice of Motion

Several notice of motion are scheduled to be presented and debated, including motions on loose dogs, the state of the Centennial Fountain and condition of St. Jean Baptiste Park. will have coverage on key stories later in the week after Tuesday’s meeting.


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