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Local News

MCHS Class of 2011 graduate Friday [video]

By Staff

Morinville – Thursday was a hectic day at Morinville Community High School as this year’s graduating class prepare to leave high school behind and enter post secondary or other opportunities. After opening the time capsule they buried in Grade 1, the students rehearsed for tomorrow’s grad and lined up for their grad photo and hat toss. […]

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GSACRD releases survey on non-faith-based education

By Staff

Morinville – The Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) announced Thursday afternoon it had begun the research to determine interest in a non-faith based education in Morinville.

In response to a request for a secular school option from a number of local parents, and after discussions with Minister of Education Dave Hancock, the public Catholic school board entered into an agreement with Pivotal research Inc. to conduct… […]

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Schools and youth

MCHS grads reopen the door on early years

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – It was a trek back in time for a number of Morinville Community High School graduates Thursday. Students travelled from MCHS to Notre Dame Elementary School where they started their schooling in Morinville. But the trip wasn’t to walk through the halls of their former public school, but to dig up a time capsule they had placed in front of it back in 2000… […]

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Legal moves closer to recreation subsidy

By Stephen Dafoe

Legal – Families who find their budgets a little short to cover recreational activities for their children may soon have some assistance from the Town of Legal. The idea of a recreational subsidy was put forward by the Town’s Community Services Board (CSB) and this week came before both Legal Town Council and the CSB for further tweaking. The proposal will return to council may 16 for final approval… […]

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Schools and youth

Goofy hats top off serious subject

By Stephen Dafoe

Namao – Students, teachers and staff paraded the halls of Namao School Wednesday in a wide variety of exotic and comical hats. But while the head gear may have put a smile on Namao’s faces, the message behind their donning was dead serious – mental illness affects some 15 per cent of Canadian children.

The Sturgeon School Division school was one of 40 across the province participating in the Hats On! For Mental Health initiative, an event sponsored since 2009 by the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) and Global Television… […]

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Schools and youth

Georges P. Vanier has much to celebrate

By Marlene Pelletier

DARE graduation
We would like to congratulate our grade five students for the completion of the DARE program. On Wednesday, Apr. 27 the students shared their essays on what they had learned during their weekly sessions with the RCMP officers. Students also chose two students from amongst their peers whom they thought demonstrated great citizenship skills in their classroom. We would like to sincerely thank the Rural Crime Watch for their… […]

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GSACRD receives premier’s award

By Staff

St. Albert – The Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division was one of four Alberta school divisions to win the Premier’s Award for School Board Innovation and Excellence… […]

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Around the schools

Political leaders speak to MCHS students
Students at Morinville Community High School received a visit from two Alberta political leaders Wednesday morning. Wildrose Party Leader Danielle Smith and Alberta Party Acting Leader Sue Huff visited the school to discuss their respective parties, their parties’ platforms and why youth should become involved in the political process. […]

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Morinville secular option to be in place this fall

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Parents seeking a secular education for their children met with Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) board members Monday night for two-and-a-half hours to discuss and debate how the division will proceed with short-term plans to provide a non-religious education for their children. What is certain is that those seeking a secular education will get it, but GSACRD will not be providing it.

“It wouldn’t be us who would be providing the program, said Board Chair Lauri-Ann Turnbull. “It will certainly be us who will be working hard to find partners who will provide that in our community.” […]

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Schools and youth

Primeau’s got talent

Compiled by Staff

Morinville – George’s H. Primeau School launched into the spring break in style, capping off the end of school with their annual talent show. This year’s production pooled the talents of approximately 70 of the school’s students… […]

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Hancock meets with GSACRD over Morinville school issue

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – A meeting between the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) board and Education Minister Dave Hancock failed to produce the concrete results some Morinville parents were looking for in their quest for a secular educa..tion for their children. Hancock met with GSACRD Superintendent David Keohane, Chair Lauri-Ann Turnbull and other GSACRD trustees Wednesday afternoon at the Alberta Legislature to discuss the issue. […]

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Local Sports

Morinville Road Runners provincial champions

Morinville – The final steps of a long season were paved in gold for the Morinville Road Runners Bantam Girls. The 10 young ladies (11-12 years old) completed a Cinderella-like season on Saturday in Calgary by winning four games by a combined score of 195-96 and coming home with provincial gold medals dangling from their necks… […]

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MCHS Wolves get a new logo

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The banner was unfurled on a new era for Morinville Community High School and their Wolves brand Monday morning. After more than a decade-and-a-half of existence, the Wolves brand got a facelift. But the redesign was by the same person that created the original design back in 1994 when the high school opened its doors in Morinville. Graphic designer Raoul Mendoza, a former MCHS student who created the original… […]

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Schools and youth

Monday Morning Youth

Morinville – Students at G. P. Vanier School participated in a Winter Carnival mar. 17. The French Immersion students dressed in their bucherons attire, spent the morning tasting sucre à crème, watched a video on the Quebec Winter Carnival, played the spoons, played games, made a craft and spent time dancing… […]

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Schools and youth

MCHS Coffee House aids Japan [Photos]

Photos By Staff

Morinville – Morinville community High School held its annual Coffee House talent show Thursday night with a wide variety of acts taking to the stage. This year’s show, held on St. Patrick’s Day, started off with some bagpipes and highland dancing before moving on to musical numbers, dance numbers, and some dramatic and comedic performances. […]

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Local Sports

Morinville Road Runners run from success to success

By Staff

Morinville – The Morinville Road Runners Bantam Girls head for Calgary this weekend to compete in provincials Mar. 18 and 19, a spot the team earned back in late January… […]