By Staff
Morinville – With a mandate of helping those in need in the community, Morinville’s Midstream Support Society, like many community organizations, needs volunteers to do its work.
Midstream Support Society President Joyce Preeper said the organization has several projects currently on the go, but the society’s most pressing need is for volunteers to work at the Community Corner Drop In, the active and busy thrift store the society runs on 101 Street.
The society is currently looking for volunteers to help out in the store behind the counter and in the sorting room and is willing to accept whatever time a suitable volunteer can give, whether it’s a few hours or a few days each week.
Although the work is without pay, it is not without its rewards. As the store has grown, so too has its ability to help those members of the community that need a hand up from the Midstream Support Society’s helping hand.

“We started out several years ago and used to do a coat and boot drive,” Preeper said, noting people would at that time come and get articles of clothing when the organization was operating out of a small office and shed. “Eventually we evolved to where we are right now, where we operate a thrift store.”
Preeper said all proceeds from the thrift store go back into the community through a number of programs, including the society’s school lunch program and helping Morinville residents in need with everything from rent deposits to dental work.
In addition to volunteer helpers for the Community Corner Drop In thrift store, the Midstream Support Society is also looking for a volunteer with a truck to haul garbage to the dump, a handy-man, special event volunteers and volunteers with trucks to do pick-ups.
Applications can be picked up at the Community Corner Drop In at 9922 101 Street or by calling Joyce at 780-939-4307 or Linda at 780-939-5035.