Morinville honours its volunteers

By Staff

Morinville – The Community cultural Centre was packed Friday night with hundreds of community-minded individuals who gathered together to recognize those of their number who were presented with achievement awards and to be recognized collectively for their volunteerism.

The 25th Annual Volunteer Appreciation Evening was hosted by Councillors Lisa Holmes and Nicole Boutestein, who introduced each of the awards and performers. Volunteers were entertained by a one-woman theatrical performance by Maureen Rooney and the music of the Fuzz Brothers (Allan Pangburn and Justin Perkins).

Noreen Radford was recognized as Volunteer of the Year for her efforts on behalf of the library, education and youth.
Ken and Isabelle Skjersven received the Morinville Lions Club's Citizen of the Year award for their tireless efforts on behalf of the food bank.
Carol Kaup presents Heritage Award to Kathy Fisher
Edie Dopker presents Valerie Loseth with Municipal Sustainability Chamion award for her efforts with the Centennial Community Garden.
The Lions Club, Knights of Columbus and Rendez-Vous Centre recieved the partnership award for their combined efforts to bring blood donor clinics to Morinville.

Additional awards included a Silent Hero award, Mayor’s Choice Award, Leader of the Year and a Legacy Award.

Below is a photo gallery of shots from the evening:


Click on the thumbnail image to see full size photo, then scroll through gallery with mouse wheel or arrow keys.