Monday Morning news Aug. 1 Edition

Artist Kyle Sams puts the finishing touches on an original Batman composition Thursday night during the first of the Morinville Public Library's Centennial Author Series. - Stephen Dafoe Photos

The Aug. 1 edition of Monday Morning News hits store shelves and restaurant counters Monday morning. This week’s edition is 20-pages of Morinville News and views. This week’s issue contains the following news stories:

Council finalizes CAO business
It’s comic book time
Editorial: We can learn a lot from our youth
Alberta Party weighs in on Morinville issue
Morinville best Gardens Competition looking for gardening excellence
Local volunteer continues to help on global scale
Dog Jog to support stray animal program
Monday morning Adopt-A-Pet
Secular School Plans moving ahead, GSACRD and province say
Morinville driver takes fifth place in Eurasia Cup
Monday Morning Calendar
Mandatory auto insurance premiums to remain at 2010 levels
Joe Morinville

Editor’s Note: In order that those who bring you Monday Morning News and can get something approaching a summer holiday, we will be taking advantage of a short work week and take a few days off from reporting the news. In the event of a Martian invasion, we will, however, bring you complete details on events as they transpire as we will other news that is critical to the public interest. Our Aug. 8 edition of Monday Morning News will be our inaugural Summer Photo Edition, bringing you a view of summer in Morinville through the words of Joe Morinville and the photos of Stephen Dafoe.

1 Comment

  1. Have a great vacation Stephen! We’ll keep an eye on the sky while you’re away.

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