Morinville Council briefs

By Staff

Council streams on
Council voted unanimously to authorize to live stream council meetings via the Internet for another year. Council heard Oct. 11 viewership of the biweekly meetings ranged between 1 and 14 viewers, figures slightly higher than attendance at actual council meetings; however, the live stream allowed residents another opportunity to participate in municipal government. Audio problems have plagued the broadcast largely due to the move from Civic Plaza to makeshift council chambers at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre. has agreed to provide administration with the feed code so council can also run the feed on the Town of Morinville’s website.

St. Jean Baptiste Park to get a plan

Council voted 5-1 in favour of moving ahead with a landscape plan for St. Jean Baptiste Park as part of the Town of Morinville’s recently approved Recreation, Parks and Open Spaces Plan. The focus of the upgraded landscape plan would be on improving exposure to heritage buildings and sightlines along 100 Avenue as well as improving heritage signage and plaques.

Administration received two quotes for the plan at prices ranging from approximately $7,500 to just less than $20,000.

Sturgeon County and Town looking to work together

Following a successful meeting between Morinville and Sturgeon County councils Sept, 21, councillors received a report on a series of resolutions that will need to be passed by Sturgeon County, Morinville and Legal councils. If approved, the resolutions would include Morinville and Sturgeon County jointly exploring opportunities created by the Cardiff overpass, developing a joint complementary area structure plan and returning to the table with the parameters for a collaborative Economic development model between the two municipalities. Additionally, the County, Morinville and Legal would jointly draft a new waterline agreement.

1 Comment

  1. Stephen – I’m so glad to see the council voted to continue your “live stream” of the council meetings. I for one have tried using it several times and think it is a great idea for many people who can’t get out that time of night but may be interested in some of the items.

    Keep up the great work you do for the community.

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