Around the town – midweek edition

Silence is golden
From left: MCHS student Colette Bachand, Morinville Community Services Youth Worker A.D. Richardson, and MCHS student Travis Loseth were three of a large number of students who took a vow of silence in support of youth around the globe who have no voice. See story here. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Although eight members of the MCHS Youth in Action Committee were scheduled to take part over the lunch hour, many more participated in the event.

Under wraps
Synergy crews work on the extension to Civic Plaza on 100 Avenue Wednesday afternoon. The $3.2 million renovation project is scheduled to be completed by the end of March, 2012. Crews are scheduled to begin installation of the electrical and mechanical components on Monday. – Stephen Dafoe Photo

Award winning moms
Donna Hunter (centre) holds the civil liberties award she and other Morinville mothers were presented in Calgary Tuesday for their work in fighting for a non-faith-based school in Morinville. The award was presented by the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. See original story here.