Just Imagine
The recent round of arguing and bickering over religious content in the schools is cause for concern, and yet it leaves many just hanging their heads in disbelief.
John Lennon once wrote a song in the ‘70s entitled Imagine, a simple song which was purely about dreaming of a better world. One line in that song started a fire storm of controversy, “Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky…” Simple enough words which ended up with radio stations banning his music all in the name of religious blasphemy. Did I mention this was the late 1900s?
In a previous article’s [comment section], Omar suggested that schooling should teach all religions and our young adults be encouraged to choose their own paths in life even if it meant that it was a different path from that of their parents. I’m sure this view caused a few to almost crawl from their skins.
However, I do think back to John Lennon’s song. Imagine if religion was not the basis of any school system and instead children were taught of all the varied religions of the world; their histories, their beliefs etc…. and school was free and clear to only focus the kids on things like math, science, geography and life skills…just how to be a productive citizen.
Why is it so hard that if you want your child to be a good Christian that you cannot send them to church, a good Muslim to the mosque, a good Hebrew to a synagogue? Would God or the prophets not be proud of such a race of varied religions all working together in a common goal to educate our children and better the world?
Actually the answer to this is obvious; today’s society is too wrapped up in themselves. God forbid (no pun intended) that a family act as a family and attend their religious beliefs as a family on a regular basis by attending church, mosque or snyagogue. And then there’s the other side of the coin…$$…separate school boards means lots of financial interest and job protection at all costs by those so employed.
I fully believe the analogy that religion is like a rock in the ocean, if you break the rock you will see that although immersed in water for thousands of years the rock remains dry inside, that water has not penetrated it. Just like religion, men have been immersed in religion for thousands of years and call themselves religious, yet it doesn’t seem that the true essence of religion (love and understanding) has penetrated them.
It’s a shame that people can’t practice what they preach. Imagine.
Just my opinion.
Tim Stirling
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Mr. Stirling,
I cannot thank you enough for saying what I have been trying to elucidate this last week since attending the Town Hall meeting last Thursday evening.
In my view, and the view of many others I have spoken to, religion and education need to be separated or need to become inclusive — completely inclusive, not selectively so. Everyone should be entitled to their beliefs and should take responsibility for sharing their family values with their children while respecting and understanding that their children will grow up to make choices, good or bad, no matter how much they shelter them from the views and values of others.
I fully support my kids who attend a Catholic Francophone school and are members of the Church of Latter Day Saints in making their own choices about religion. I want nothing more than for them to be compassionate and helpful citizens and I could not care less under which umbrella they do so. I only want to be proud that they truly do embody the spirit of caring for their fellow human beings, as to me that is the most important part of being a member of the human race. We are all worthy as are our views and there is no reason we can’t live in harmony and accept that others believe the same or different and it really shouldn’t matter.
I also wish all those parents (on both sides) could see that the bottom line for the government is money and law. They only act when legally required, not morally required, and are only willing to invest so much into education, as with other areas, and do not truly understand/care that investing in our children is investing in our future and is worth more than investing in oil sands projects or some other capital venture!
Petrina LaRocque