Joe Morinville Award Winners

Well just as Morinvillians are getting set to fi gure out which if any of these Council wannabes they are going to elect into offi ce, our own polls on more important stuff like eating and drinking coffee closed. I’m happy to report that Morinville people have spoken and in some cases quite loudly.


Our online and in print readers were given a choice of six restaurants in town to decide who had the best lunch. Nominees were White Rose, Green Bean, Friends and Neighbours, Don’s Bistro, Kelley’s Deli and Vintage Petals.

This year’s winner is White Rose with 26.97 per cent of your vote. Don’s Bistro came in second with 16.85 per cent of the vote, followed by Kelley’s Deli and Friends and Neighbours in a two-way tie for third with 15.73 per cent of the vote.

Best Fast Food Joint

We skipped on pizza joints this go round because I had you vote on them last time. Nominees were
KFC, Subway and A&W. This year’s winner was Subway with 78.21 per cent of the vote, showing Morinvillians like their foot-long and six inch sandwiches. A&W took second place among voters, KFC in third.

Best Fancy Coffee Joint

You latte and mocha-frocha-rapachiner (or whatever you call that swirly coffee stuff) drinkers have spoken about who makes the best fancy coffee in town. Higher Grounds Espresso Bar took 60.81 per cent of the vote this time around, earning them first place. The Green Bean came in second with 39.19 per cent of you calling them number one.


We’ve done this one before and I fi gured we ought to do it again because it’s fun. Results were not much different than last time around.

Councillor Lisa Holmes took top spot with 48.19 per cent of the vote. She was followed by long-time Councillor Paul Krauskopf with 28.92 per cent of the vote.

With the two of seven clocking more than three quarters of the reader’s votes, it seems the rest have some work to do, at least in terms of public perception. But Deputy Mayor Pattison did come in third.

Well, that’s it for our polls. I’m sure you’ll read enough about polls over the next four weeks to last you another six months, which is when I’ll be asking you to vote on important stuff. Who knows what businesses we’ll have here then.


  1. Congratulations to all the folks that were recognized by these awards. But, also, congratulations to those that were nominated. We have great businesses here in Town, so doubtlessly the competition was stiff.

    As for the Town Councillors……well, the results speak for themselves. Congratulations Lisa and Paul!

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