Light Up the Night fills town with activities [VIDEO / PHOTOS]

Above is a video pictorial of the Light Up the Night Christmas Festival weekend highlights.

Photos by Lucie Roy and Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The 2012 Light Up the Night Festival weekend wrapped up Sunday afternoon just in time for the Grey Cup game. This year’s event provided Morinvillians and visitors to the community with three days of festive activities.

The action started Thursday with day one of this year’s Fill-A-Bus campaign for the Morinville Food Bank Society and Knights of Columbus Christmas Hamper Program. More than 7,000 pounds of food and toiletries were collected along with $2,610 in cash donations. Read more…

One of the participants in helping fill the bus was country singer Brett Kissel, a 22-year-old performer who played the Morinville Community Cultural Centre Friday evening, entertaining many old and new fans. Read more…

Saturday saw a wide variety of activities at the Cultural Centre, Morinville Community High School and in Morinville’s downtown core.

A highlight for many was the Circus Montreal performance at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre, a free show sponsored by Servus Credit Union. Read more…

A new entry this year was Sobeys Holiday Baking Contest, an event that drew 42 entries and drew plenty of groans from the five judges who sampled nearly four dozen baked products in an hour. Read more …

Tying into this year’s festival was the Morinville Jets games. Both alumni and current roster players took to the ice over two games Saturday night at the arena. Former players donned their old colours while new players donned pink jerseys in support of prostate and breast cancer research. Read more…

Sunday’s activities included the annual Skate With Santa event and the Grand Opening of the Morinville Community Library. Read more…


  1. What a terrific weekend. Jammed packed with activities for all. What an awesome community coming together to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas season. I am proud to live in Morinville. Thank you to the residents. Thank you to the volunteers. Thank you to businesses. Thank you to the visitors. What a terrific weekend.

    • In response to our Norwegian friend above, and for those unaware – The Community Christmas Celebration takes place Dec. 20 at St. Jean Baptiste Church. The annual event assembles all the churches, school choirs and other singing groups for an evening of faith-based Christmas songs. We will be doing a story on the event in the weeks leading up to the event.

  2. I agree with all the words stated earlier by his worship!

    We must all commit to never allow anyone to attach or utter “bedroom community and Morinville” in the same breath. We are far from that and we invite all who feel that way too come out and feel the spirit that is Morinville!

    We are far from a commuters town instead all ages “own” and are a part of this new community that is growing into the place to be seen!

    “Merry Christmas” all who have contributed to making this Festival what it is today!

    As Raymonde Riopel proclaimed loudly once in front of a captive audience:
    “Viva Le Morinville”

  3. Well done Morinville, you did it again, yes it is a wonderful place to live, for a Norwegian to live and love a “French Town{ says a lot about this town, and we still have the Christmas Concert to come, wow.

  4. I thought you did a great job with your video of showing the outline of the events over the 2012 “Light Up the Night” weekend. You are to be congratulated….and I do hope you will keep it for posterity. Perhaps it could be added to the next time capsule to be buried in Morinville for future residents. PAJ.

  5. Way to go Morinville. It’s good to see that you have continued to celebrate this family time of the year with such an event. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and keep up the good work.

  6. It was an incredible pleasure to attend all of the events this year. What an amazing event this has grown into over the years. I remember the humble beginnings and the dream of a few and how it has turned into such an amazing event is truly incredible.

    Great work Morinville!

    Sheldon Fingler

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