Roughly two weeks ago I made the decision that I would not run for a seat on Council this term. Five days later I reversed that decision. So my first act as a candidate was to do a flip-flop on being a candidate. Let me explain why.
The desire to serve our community as a member of Council has been strong for a while now. In fact, I had papers in my pocket for the 2012 by-election but I was confident the community would choose the right candidate to fill the post, so I left them in my pocket.
My apprehension to run this time was solely because I currently serve as Chair of the Morinville Public Library Board, from which we have four members running for Council, including one incumbent. Faced with what that meant to the board if all were elected, I made the decision to keep my papers in my pocket once again and let my name stand to serve a second term as chair to provide continuity to what our won- derful board is doing.
Two days later I was informed it was perfectly acceptable for me to serve on Council and remain board chair if that was the will of the board. Our late Mayor Paul Krauskopf had done so effectively in the past, I was told. After seeking the opinion of the library’s management, our executive and another two board members, all agreed they felt I could serve both with- out conflict to the other. That confidence was enough for me to reverse my decision.
Being a candidate and a newsman poses a couple of problems – making sure Council news is covered and ensuring the community has opportunity to hear what each of those running for office have to say.
Long before I decided to run, I booked the Morinville Community Cultural Centre for the 2013 All Candidates Forum. Being a candidate prevents me from doing that event now, but I have asked for and received the support of the Rotary Club of Morinville who will take over and host that important election event for the community. The forum will take place Tues- day, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Cultural Centre.
With respect to the Morinville News, freelance reporter Ashley Janes will now cover the election and Council beat, and Et Cetera Communications has been contracted to provide editorial services to ensure Morinville News’ Editorial Policies, Guarantees and Code of Con- duct are being adhered to.

Should I earn the support of the electorate, Janes will cover Council meetings and report to you the information you need to know. I will take a more active role in layout, sales and day-to-day operations of the business, and report on those things which present no conflict between my two roles.
The Editorial pages of the next two editions of the Morinville News will provide guest editorial spots to our mayoral candidates, allowing them another vehicle to drive their points home to voters. Please see pages 13 and 14 for info on the mayoral race and pages 23 for brief info on the large number of Council candidates running this election.
— Stephen Dafoe
The ability to amend one’s position on an issue based on new information is a sign of open-mindedness, not flip-flopping. It’s a trait I appreciate in people.
I have always appreciated your ability to see all sides of whatever issue is at hand. I am glad that you are running for Council and believe that you will do well at both Chair of the Library Board and Councillor if you are elected (and I hope you are).
Linda and Cliff