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Editorial & Opinion

Healthy Routes Column: What’s with all the zucchini?

By Gladys Kublik, owner Neighbors Vitamin Shop

This is the burning question my husband and some of my customers have been asking this year; which they sometimes follow with a rueful shake of the head and an expression that softly says “She’s crazy, but harmless.”… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Progressive Views Column: Prorogation Tactics

Recently, the Prime Minister announced that he would ask the Governor General to prorogue this session of Parliament until a Speech from the Throne that is likely to come in late October… […]

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Local Sports

Morinville Sports Shorts – Football Camp & Jets Pre-Season

The Morinville Community High School field served as the venue for a four-day introduction to football last week. Organizers say the camp drew roughly two-dozen local youth to learn the warm ups, techniques and complex rules of Canadian football… […]

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Local News

Second quarter report gives out the numbers

Enforcement services experiences many calls, fewer tickets

Enforcement Services covered considerable ground in the second quarter of 2013, responding to a total of 477 calls. Of those stops, officers issued 19 bylaw tickets, gave out 60 provincial offence warnings, and issued another 48 provincial tickets… […]