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Local Sports

Morinville Jets battling for CJHL playoff series

by Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The Jets finished the weekend with a win and a loss against the Beverly Warriors in a best-of-three, round one Capital Junior Hockey League playoff series. After coming from behind a 5-3 deficit Friday night to take the first game 7-6, the Jets fell 6-5 in OT in a knuckle-biter on home ice Sunday night… […]

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Morinville News

Morinville Fire Chief set to retire in March

submitted by Town of Morinville

Morinville – Ron Cust, Morinville Fire Chief for the past 12 years, is retiring March 11, 2014, the Town of Morinville announced today. Chief Cust started with the town as a fire fighter in 1976 and progressed through various firefighting, emergency medical and fire management positions, culminating with his appointment to Fire Chief in April 2002… […]

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Arts & Culture

Morinville Museum submits budget to council

by Tristan Turner

The Musée Morinville Museum submitted their 2014 operating budget to Council Feb. 11th. The budget was presented by Murray Knight, Treasurer of both the museum and the Morinville Historical and Cultural Society, which took over operation of the museum in 2009… […]

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Arts & Culture

Morinville Festival Society requests funding

by Tristan Turner

Morinville Festival Society Chair Paul Smith gave a grant request presentation to Town Council at their regular meeting Feb. 11. The non-for-profit society hosts the annual St. Jean Baptiste Festival as well as the Farmers Market, among other events. The Society is requesting a $50,000 grant to cover costs of the 2014 St. Jean Baptiste Festival and a $18,386 budget shortfall from last year’s event… […]

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Local News

Prominent local figure steps down from his position

by Morinville News Staff

Morinville – A prominent local figure has stepped down from a role he has been active in and passionate about for many years, leaving the future leadership of the organization in a temporary degree of uncertainty… […]

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Local News

Council gives First Reading to water, sewer and waste bylaws

Water and Sewer Rates Unchanged for 2014

Council gave First Reading to both the Town’s Water and Sewer Bylaws, which set the fee schedules for both services. Should Council pass Second and Third Reading without amending the bylaw, residents and businesses in Morinville will essentially see no rate increases on either their water or sewer bills…. […]

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Local News

Council passes First Reading of Budget

by Calli Stromner

Morinville – The Town’s 2014 Operating and Capital Budget is one step closer to being approved after Council unanimously gave First Reading to it Feb. 11. Taxes for both residential and non-residential properties are slated to increase by 4 per cent over 2013 rates, even with a modest 2 per cent proposed increase in overall assessment values. Under the proposed 4 per cent increase, the average homeowner can expect to pay an additional $75 based on an average home valued at $300,000… […]

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Local News

Our Morinville – Valentine’s Edition

Our Morinville is an opportunity to view life through our community members’ lenses. Our Feb. 5 and 12 editions took a little different approach to community life in honour of Valentine’s Day…. […]

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Local News

Feb. 12 Print Edition Download

Our weekly print edition will be at our more than 100 locations in Morinville, Cardiff and Legal Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday, and in rural mailboxes Wednesday as well… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Column: Joe Morinville

Publisher phoned me Sunday to remind me my column was late and that I had two hours to write it or he was gonna run something else instead. So this column is a little rushed and all over the place… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Column: The Curmudgeon’s Commentary

by Stephen Dafoe

Technology is an essential part of the news business today, particularly for those of us who are involved in providing daily online news. There are the interviews to record, the endless emails to answer, the photos to take… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Column: The Wheelbarrow Gardener

submitted by Valerie Loseth, The Wheelbarrow Gardener

With the recent warm temperatures and the increasing amount of daylight hours, those of us with a green hue to our thumbs are itching to get back into the garden. We long to feel the dirt under our fingernails and the sun on the back of our necks. We have probably looked at a seed catalogue… […]

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Arts & Culture

Local dancers selected to perform with Ballet Jörgen

by Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Eight Morinville dancers will take to the Morinville Community Cultural Centre’s stage Valentine’s Day to perform in Ballet Jörgen’s production of Romeo and Juliet. Morinville Dance Connections students… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Progressive Views: Government insults veterans

by Tristan Turner

Veterans Affairs has closed nine of their service offices across Canada in a move that Minister Julian Fantino says will ensure that veterans have “support in the communities where they live.”… […]

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Morinville News

CRB committee selects chair

by Morinville News Staff

Edmonton – Beaumont Mayor Camille Berube was elected to a two-year term as Chair of the Capital Region Board’s (CRB) Governance, Priorities and Finance Committee Monday in a secret ballot at the Committee’s inaugural meeting Monday. Councillor Phyllis Kobasiuk of Parkland County was elected as Vice Chair at the same meeting. The CRB represents 24 municipalities in Alberta’s Capital Region, including Morinville and Sturgeon County… […]