Community Gardens planning for farm to table food event


Morinville – If a number of local gardening enthusiasts have their way, 104 Street will be shut down this summer. But the desire for the road closure is no form of public protest. The Morinville Community Gardens are looking to host an outdoor meal for 200 people in conjunction with the Community Fair that the Morinville Farmer’s Market is planning Aug. 22 and 23.

“Our vision is to set one long table down the centre of 104 Street between the arena and the Rendezvous Centre for families, friends, neighbours and coworkers to gather to enjoy a fresh from the farm and garden meal,” said Morinville Community Gardens President Val Loseth, adding the idea is in its early stages. “The idea of having a commu- nity meal with food directly from the farm and garden is in line with our mission to promote local food production and to provide a forum to connect friends and neighbours. In essence, help[ing to] grow a community.”

The gardening group held their first com- mittee meeting on the idea Mar. 18, but response to the idea from a couple posts made on social media has been strong. “We have had farms from all over northern Al- berta express interest,” Loseth said. “We’ve had a chef from Strathmore wanting to come and help and someone from CFCW radio has asked how they can help. We have no doubt that this can be a huge event for Morinville, and perhaps it might become an annual event, but not without the help of the com- munity can we make this idea grow.”
Regardless of the support on social me- dia, the idea is a large undertaking for the Morinville Community Gardens small mem- bership to take on, and they are looking for community support, businesses, community groups and other interested people gather- ing together to make the event happen. Loseth said the group’s executive will not pursue the event unless they are certain they we will have the funds and volunteers to pull it off.

Part of a growing need

Loseth says the Farm to Table gathering fills two needs: connecting with one another and connecting with traditions of our ances- tors. “With our lives being so busy, there is a huge disconnect with the community,” she said. “We no longer know who our neigh- bours are; we don’t know the names of the children that live on our street. Our ‘Grow- ing Back to our Roots’ motto encourages us to create opportunities for families to take some time for themselves, to grow their own food, and more importantly learn what to do with the produce that they grow.”

Organizers believe the event will offer something many busy families don’t get these days – a meal prepared from fresh farm and garden products.

Those who want to get involved, even for a couple hours, can e-mail Loseth with their contact information to gardeninfo@morinvil- All ages and abili- ties are welcome.

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